Sue Tait of Nafferton Parish Council

Sue Tait Chair of the Nafferton Parish council.

 The Parish Council are supposed to be there to serve the public if a member of the public put in a complaint/ concern about something  the parish council’s job is to deal with the issue. Is the complaint justified? And how to solve it etc.... Sue Tait has just abused her position as chair of the council by putting a posts on face book Nafferton group of which she is Admin. She said that the Nafferton parish council have put in a complaint against me for feeding the ducks?? And asking people to complain to EYC giving numbers to ring, and also asking people to email themselves (Nafferton parish council) so that they can get enough complaints to gather a case against me. So she has abused her position as chair of the council by asking people to complain about me?   Asking the public to put in complaints, about someone is enticing people to complain that normally wouldn’t do. She has instigated this so that she personally can seek revenge on me. Because of this, any action against me just wouldn’t hold up in any court.

This thread has then led to a lot of abuse against me, a lot of lies, including a lie from Sue Tait of which I can prove.
A council chair lying about a member of the public, to entice hatred. This is despicable and extremely distressing to me, the victim of her abuse of power.

 It has enticed hatred against me from people who don’t even know me. One person said “I don’t know her, but she’s off her rocker?? So she doesn’t know me, but is listening to all the lies and now she thinks she knows I am off my rocker. Sue Tait has also said, “Report it to the council if I get verbally/physically abusive. So she is insinuating that I could be physically abusive??

What right does she have to put things like this to the public? Making it out that I could be violent? Making people think I am a violent person. Why on earth would she do this? This is encouraging hatred against me, and could put me in danger if a nutter decided to take it upon themselves to sort me out because they think I am a violent person. 
 This is such a stupid, and very nasty thing to do, has she no thoughts on what this kind of thing can do to people. Does she care?

 Sue Tait should know better, and this is way out of order for the chair of the parish council. For her to suggest I may be violent and entice hate against me is against the law.  To do it for her own gain of getting back at me is against the parish council’s code of conduct. Mind you, the standards committee?? that’s another council department that is there and costing money, and is as much use as a chocolate tea pot. They don't seem to be able to do anything, yet they are there to do something? Does not add up to me. 

 The thread has now been taken off the Nafferton site, but I have it all photo shot. Here are the shots.  So Sue Tait may think this has gone, and her nastiness is forgotten, but it’s not.

These are all from the last couple of days, and were put on the Nafferton site. Sue Tait is admin to this site. over 800 village people are on this site. I have been banned (for no reason) by the council so I cant even defend myself. People don’t realise just how much they manipulate what goes on, on this site.

Posts are not in order

Sue Tait, telling people to send photo evidence and times ?? Why?? This Never happened it's total fiction.
Becky Murray just came up with a fiction story? that her husband had a run in with mine?? We blocked her drive? there was no run in with her husband, no drive was blocked. There is no drive to block on the front of the mere except Martins, who I know well, and we would never block his drive.
I was angry at this and I did put a post on her page. Nothing abusive, but telling her that lying about someone like she has done is slander.
Then it seems I get called for telling people she is a liar. So they want to build a case against me? All I ever do is try to stick up for myself against the lies being said about me and the bullying going on. I am not abusive, I don't swear, yet I get told I am abusive.
Please someone find an abusive post from me.

 How do these people tick? It beggars belief, that after this, I end up the one that is slandering. Yes I said she lied, and she did, and she knows she did. This episode never ever happened. It beggars belief that people can just come up with rubbish about people to get the attention they so badly need. Something I have never done in my life, (I seem to get enough attention without even trying) so who's the better person.
Do they not realise I have enough evidence to build a case against them for all the lies and bullying.
Hanna young. Yes it can be classed as harassment, but not my post, all your posts lying and bullying me can be classed as harassment. You people are unbelievable.
So we have people reporting a problem enticed by sue Tait, that they never even knew about. That wasn't a problem for them until sue Tait said it was. This isn't  right.
 She is getting people to report me for feeding the ducks because she has a grievance against me. There is no problem with the food I put down for the ducks, I don't over feed them, and I haven't even had any correspondence from them asking me not to feed the ducks? In fact, I do have an email from sue Tait asking me to feed the ducks in the water.
 Now there is a problem with lots of bread and other food stuff left all over the front of the mere, but no one seems to be bothered about that, she hasn't asked people to take pictures of that food  If rats are about, these are the food stuff, that they will go for, not the wheat.
 Rats do eat wheat, but only if that's all there is. The two houses by the mere do not have a problem with me feeding wheat, and these are the two houses that any problems would affect. They do have a problem with the bread and other food stuff left rotting by the mere, and they have to pick this up all the time, and I  pick it up on a daily basis too.
Melanie Harrison seems to think bread does no harm, well she needs to get educated on the matter. Bread does the ducks and the mere a great deal of harm. Just go to RSPCA, Yorkshire wildlife, RSPB, River Trust, and see what they say about bread. Being educated on matters you are talking about is important. If you don't know what you are talking about then it makes you look the fool I know you are. 

Instead of jumping in with your camera just after I have gone, why not try an hour later when the wheat has been eaten. It does not stand their rotting for days like the bread and other food stuff that the ducks don't want. We have to pick up the bread/dog biscuits because the ducks don't want this rubbish, and it is this that feeds the rats.

Notice on this bit that one is asking what's the problem, the other doesn't really know but says the amount of corn will attract the rats, she thinks?? So these people don't have a clue on the problem but have been drawn into sue Taits campaign against me. And Jade Booth Malone, a good friend of Sue Taits, really needs to stop telling such great big lies. I have NEVER SWORN AT A CHILD IN MY LIFE. Do people have no comprehension of what they are doing, Do they not think how much this effects a person when lies are being told. would they like it to be done to them. It's bulling, it's slander.

Jane Sykes. So I would pop out from under a rock and throttle her? Jennie Edwards I am a dick? Are these people for real, I don't even know these people, and any one that does know me, knows that this is utter rubbish and this is not the person I am. This is a disgrace, and all these people should be ashamed of themselves. To pick on a person they don't know like this is so disgraceful and something I would never do to anyone. so who is the better person. To Jane Sykes and Jennie Edwards. All I can think is that you need some attention in your life and this is how you get it. You must lead a very boring life, to have to bully and slander  people to get the kick, that makes you feel a bigger person you are very sad people.

Chris Wildridge has always got to have a go at me, she should be ashamed of herself, and she is a family member of one Simon Wildridge, council member who likes to shout at the public at the parish council meetings.
Sue Tait is getting everyone to email the parish council for me feeding the ducks for no good reason at all. There is no problem with the food I leave, and I am the last person in the village to damage our mere by leaving food to rot in the mere.
This is to get more people to be against me, because I wont stop campaigning for them to sort the sluice gate out.
 No mention at all about all the bread and other food stuff on the mere front, just my wheat?, which by the way is in the water. There are no signs up giving any guidance on feeding, so how can she just come on face book and have a go at a member of the public like she has?
Who does she think she is?
 I have a letter from the past parish chair that askes me to do a sign for the notice board asking people not to feed bread, and also askes if I could get the shop to sell bags of wheat for the children to feed the ducks.
 Now out of the blue, I am getting attacked for no reason at all. I have had no correspondence from the council at all. And I have not been politely asked to stop feeding the ducks? There is no reason to justify this behaviour. Its a disgraceful way to act, and unprofessional too. I was mortified when I saw this.
Sue Tait is a liar, and she is out of order for doing this.

Katie wells, does she have any knowledge of what is going on, looks like she doesn't. Yes there is a huge amount of evidence that ducklings are going down the sluice, but sue Tait keeps makes sure no one hears about it. She makes statements to the public that not true. Like the ducklings going through the sluice is low risk. that statement was made by the RSPCA at the end of the season when the only few surviving ducklings were bigger, so risk was assessed at low. Everyone at that meeting was told the risk was high for the tinny ducklings, it was explained why they couldn't get out of the fast flow of water. It was a public meeting, I wasn't the only one at it. but seems the council have chosen to ignore what they don't want people to know.
And just to be clear, there are domestic ducks on mere that need feeding, I have to feed more than I normally would to keep them at the front end of the mere so they don't go down the sluice. Sue Tait has been told this and I have the proof, so all she needs to do to stop the wheat, is put the cover back on the sluice. Domestic ducks cant fly, they can be sucked down the sluice. I have proof of this as one duck ended up washed down the sluice, and inside the wheel.
I had to get the man who has the wheel house to open up the side, so I could rescue this duck. One wrong move and that terrified duck would have been killed. If I hadn't seen it go in it would have sat on the metal bar it was on until it could no longer stand, and then drop to its death.

Caroline Martinson. (council member) Yes your are egging people on, and you really should read all this and think just what you are doing.
Jenny Edward, you seem to be on so many posts having a go at me, I don't know you, you don't know me, Why on earth are you being so nasty to me, are you too lacking the attention you need, and this makes you feel important? Your not important, your a bully. People trying to impress the council with their lies, people on the council telling lies, council members family telling lie's. It's really a disgrace, and doesn't look good for any council member does it.




Tracey Dawson wife of a parish council member. Another person that pulls me to pieces on Facebook, she does it all the time. I don't know her, she doesn't know me, but her husband is on the council so that says it all. She lies so much, why does she do it. well all I can think is she too needs the attention this is getting her, and she is a bully for doing it.
 Let me get this straight to people. I have not been banned from Burton Agnes pond, and that I cant interfere with it. Burton Agnes was sorted ages ago, all the geese were rescued. Me, a farmer RSPCA members and someone from the Hull went down and rescued all the geese.
This took us about 2 hours, and we were all very pleased to have done a good job, and got all the geese caught. They were all given a good home. So Tracey Dawson, you should be ashamed of yourself for spreading lies about someone. The attention it is getting you is not good attention, and as you are the wife of a parish council member, it is not giving a good impression of the council. Mind I don't think that matters does it. Sue Tait isn't giving a good impression of the council and she's the chair. Note Jon Wortley saying he gave legal advice to Simon. I have no idea if this is true, but really!! I cant see Simon with all his assets and legal team, taking advice from Jon Wortley. I know he thinks he's the brain of Britain but you only have to read his rants to me to see that he isn't. I am sick to death of Jon telling me I know nothing.

All these people that don't know anything about the situation, they believe Jon to be telling them the truth. Others who are not brain dead, see through his nonsense.
Mind you, Sue Tait believes that the new feeding policy that Jon brought in that includes bread is the RSPB feeding policy? or does she? She knows all about the feeding policy I did for the council. She knows I was asked \BY THE COUNCIL to do a sign because bread was bad for the mere, and ducks. She knows all this because she was at the meeting when it was brought up some years ago. (shown in the minutes)
 But seems she has forgotten? strange how many things they forget if it suits them for it to be forgotten.
Now we have loads of bread floating in the mere again. All councils are starting to put up signs to ask people to not feed bread. Our council takes down the sign asking people not to feed bread, and to feed wheat/ barley/ maize/ and other foods and change it to putting bread on the list of foods to feed??
And now trying to stop me feeding wheat. Apparently wheat is worse than bread? They all need educating.

This is about Becky Murray's lie about blocking her drive. As I said there is only one drive near the mere, and that is martins. Arron Bae Dawson. (son of a parish council member) I do not need the men in white coats thank you Seems you have also jumped in thinking you know what's going on, and you have no idea. But hey, lets have another pop at Yvonne. And as to the person that lives  at the side of the mere. He doesn't have a problem with me, or the wheat. What does annoy him is when he comes home from work he has to pick up bread bags, pop bottles, crisp packets, bread and other food stuff. So you see I am not the problem.

So Sue Tait, chair of the council is insinuating I can be physically abusive. This is completely out of order, she has no right to insinuate I am physically abusive person. This is so awful to do this to someone. does she have no compassion at all for other people.

 does she not realise what she is doing. What if someone thinks right! I will go sort this woman out, and they attack me. Does she not have any thoughts for what effect this may have on me. It beggars belief that this woman is chair of the council.

Stephanie Ruell. Another person I don't know nor does she know me. Seems this village is full of woman needing attention. So I am poison am I? What gives you the right to put something so horrible on Facebook about a person you know nothing about. Your just listening to all the rubbish, and jumping in with your say. As to playing the Victim, well I am the victim. My crime is trying to save the ducklings, that's it!! Crime of the century that isn't it.
 I would rather be me, than you any day. I don't crave attention, and go round slagging people off to get it.
Well at least I am making a lot of woman in this village feel bigger people, and giving them the attention they so badly need, by being the underdog that they can pick on.
Trouble is, I hope you have the sense to realise I am not the under dog. I seem to be holding out against you all, don't I.
Sue Tait, at what point have you politely  asked me to stop feeding the ducks?, and when did you do this please? and also what reason did you give?. It should be in the records.
 Then again I know everything isn't in the records, things seem to go missing, or be changed round to suit Sue Tait.
As you are telling people this is what you have done, you could at least let me know.
You have told people to report me to the police if I am physically abusive, so insinuating I am physically abusive. As to the Police well this lot has been reported to the police by me, as it is you lot that is in the wrong and the matter has now gone just a bit too far.
Sue Tait. Will you stop telling lies about me and abusing your power. people believe you because your the chair. Burton Agnes did not take civil action against me, there was no reason for them to take civil action against me. Why would you lie like this?
You may think I am the underdog, and with all what you are doing that I will crawl under a rock, but I have sad news for you. You have drastically underestimated me.
I am fighting to save our ducklings and the council are doing everything in their power to get rid of me. They refuse to sort this out.
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Nafferton Parish council Sue Tait chair